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Searched for: all of the terms [ mervyn ] [ nicholson ] in author name
15 results found
  1. <i>Poor Polidori: A Critical Biography of the Author of ‘The Vampyre’</i> by D.L. Macdonald (review) cover
  2. <i>Pursuing Academic Freedom: “Free and Fearless”?</i> ed. by Len M. Findlay, Paul M. Bidwell (review) cover
  3. Social Function/Social Context of Literature cover
  4. <i>The Stranger from Paradise: A Biography of William Blake</i> by G.E. Bentley, Jr (review) cover
  5. Indeterminacy in Byron cover
  6. <i>Northrop Frye’s Uncollected Prose</i> ed. by Robert D. Denham (review) cover
  7. Northrop Frye for a New Century: Introduction cover
  8. <i>Northrop Frye: New Directions from Old</i> (review) cover
  9. <i>Unsex’d Revolutionaries: Five Women Novelists of the 1790s</i> by Eleanor Ty (review) cover
  10. Byron and the Drama of Temptation cover